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Новинки и мероприятия



20th AUGUST 2024

Custom Studio Pepe Jeans!

Join an exclusive event at Pepe Jeans!

On August 24 and 25 you can enjoy free customization of DENIM clothing. Just purchase a product from the "denim" category between August 19-25 and you will receive a 20% discount, free customization, and a custom denim gift!

We invite you!



12th AUGUST 2024

Welcome the New Season in style!

The New Arrivals is a perfect time to refresh your style, and at Designer Outlet Gdańsk you will find the latest collections of your favorite brands, available at prices up to 70% lower!

Get inspired by new trends and enjoy shopping in a unique atmosphere.


26TH July 2024

SUPER THURSDAY at Designer Outlet Gdańsk

Additional Discounts Only on August 4th! We invite all shopping enthusiasts to a unique event - SUPER THURSDAY at Designer Outlet Gdańsk! Only on August 4, you will have an unforgettable shopping experience with double discounted prices.




18TH APRIL 2024

CHANGE Lingerie at Designer Outlet Gdańsk!

We are happy to announce that our Center has a new store! CHANGE Lingerie is a brand that has revolutionized the approach to women's underwear, respecting the natural beauty of every woman. The salon offers an extremely wide range of bra sizes - as many as 88 different options, from cups A to M and circumferences from 60 to 100 cm! In our new store you can count on professional and free bra fitting advice. CHANGE Lingerie not only adapts the bra to the woman, but also the philosophy of their brand - their mission is to ensure a perfect fit for every figure, so that every woman feels comfortable and beautiful. The offer includes not only sensual lingerie, but also fashionable swimsuits, comfortable nightwear, practical home clothing and high-quality stockings and accessories. We invite you to visit Designer Outlet Gdańsk and discover underwear that really suits you!


1ST MARCH 2024

The first CRAZY WEEK this year!

This sounds really exciting! Get ready for an intense week full of shopping emotions and phenomenal opportunities!
Promotions, additional discounts, unique sales and shopping Sunday are a great opportunity to replenish your wardrobe for spring.

New spring collections with discounts up to -80% throughout the week. Don't miss the best deals and have fun during the CRAZY WEEK!




11TH MARCH 2024

Larger Ryłko!

The new, larger Ryłko store delights with great footwear collections for women and men. In the showroom you will find an excellent selection of shoes for every day, for work, for a walk and for special occasions. Ryłko is a brand with tradition that has been taking care of the quality and design of its products for years. In Designer Outlet Gdańsk all models min. 30% cheaper than in regular stores.


7TH MARCH 2024

Molton already on the Designer Outlet Gdańsk map!

Molton is a Polish brand that has been creating high-quality women's fashion for 30 years, offering its customers refined designs created by "women for women".

The brand's offer includes daily and work clothes, as well as perfectly tailored casual dresses and suits for special occasions. Additionally, in the Molton store you can find leather accessories, formal handbags, scarves, belts and hats.

We invite you!




6TH MARCH 2024

New U.S. Brands Polo Assn. and Hummel

With spring, new products at great outlet prices bloom in our center! Do you like good quality sports and casual clothing? Be sure to visit the newly opened U.S. brand showroom. Polo Ass. and Hummel, where fashionable design goes hand in hand with quality and price.

That's not all, this year we are preparing even more news for you, so be sure to follow our website and social media.


26TH APRIL 2023

Crocs is already open!

Run to us for iconic, innovative shoes for women, men and children! Crocs has opened a salon that delights with a multitude of colorful footwear models, which has a lot of advantages. Visit our store where you can find Crocs™ shoes at the best prices.





19TH APRIL 2023


PINKO - an Italian premium brand that inspires women to play with their image, now available at Designer Outlet Gdańsk! In the store you can find everyday stylizations and bold fashion proposals. The whole is complemented by a wide range of characteristic accessories with the brand's logo.

PINKO: For Fearless Beauty

4TH APRIL 2023

Guess Kids opened now!

Guess Kids is a unique and original children's fashion at outlet prices.

The newly opened salon offers great quality, stylish clothes and accessories for the youngest. A wide selection of comfortable clothes and accessories in various styles will allow you to complete the wardrobe of children and teenagers learning their own style.

We invite you!




24TH MARCH 2023

New, bigger Guess Accessories!

Guess Accessories has moved to a new, over 70% larger premises!

Now fans of the brand can enjoy a lot of bags, shoes, glasses and other accessories at prices 30 - 70% lower than regular prices.

Fancy combinations of colors and materials, expressive applications and prints, and the great quality of the offered products are the reasons why it is worth visiting the new Guess Accessories store in Designer Outlet Gdańsk.



Karl Lagerfeld Outlet

Welcome to the only KARL LAGERFELD store in northern Poland at Designer Outlet Gdańsk! If you are looking for innovative fashion inspired by Parisian classics with rock chic - the KARL LAGERFELD portfolio will be the perfect choice for you.

The store's assortment includes collections for women and men, as well as bags, footwear, and accessories.



31TH MAY 2022

The only one in northern Poland - Boss outlet!

We invite you on a journey to the world of excellent quality men's fashion at its best. The Boss brand, which is considered by everyone as an icon of tailoring, offers in the newly opened showroom not only perfectly tailored suits, but also a complete casual and sports wardrobe. Boss at Designer Outlet Gdańsk is the only outlet brand showroom in northern Poland!


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